There are 5 types of nodes for creating dialogues & cutscenes in our system
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There are 5 types of nodes for creating dialogues & cutscenes in our system
Last updated
Used to show/play a dialogue
There is a character addition option in database window, you can use to create a character once and set them as the speaker of multiple dialogues easily by selecting from the picker.
To open the cutscene database window, go to Cutscene System â–º Cutscene Database from the menu
Used to show choices
This node is used to add/update Facts. Facts can be used to create non-linear gameplay by remembering the choices made by the user and later using it to select different story branches.
Saved Facts can be found in the FactDB scriptable object (Assets â–º Non-Linear Dialogue & Cutscene System â–º Resources â–º Database â–º FactDB)
We can use facts to select different branches from the cutscene graph based on the user’s choice. To achieve this, we can add a fact condition on a connection between two nodes and the flow will only reach from one node to another if that condition is satisfied.
Click the connection line, then you can see the Add Fact Condition button on the inspector, click the button to add new conditions
Cutscene node contains different cutscene actions like PlayAnimation, Move, ChangeCamera, etc. Now, these are the cutscene actions available in our system. Check out this page to learn more.
This Node is used to execute a Unity Event. You can use it to call a function from any script and run custom behaviors from the cutscene. Multiple functions can be attached to a single node and whenever the node is executed it will call those functions in the order they were provided
This can be used to run a random node from its output connection.
In the above connection, only one of the PlayAnimation actions will be executed and it will be selected from the random node