
This system can be used to add dialogues in multiple languages and provides a way to Import/Export dialogues as CSV.

Localization setup

Open the Database Window from Tools ► Cutscene System ► Cutscene Database and select the Settings Tab. From here you can find the languages list to which you can add all the languages you want in your game.

Once you add a language to the list, a text, and an audio field will appear in the dialogue node inspector as shown in the image below.

Localization Window

Localization window can be used to edit all the dialogues from one place. The window will list the text and audio of all the dialogue and choice nodes in the current scene. This is useful to review all your dialogues and add different language text for each dialogue from one place without going through the nodes one by one.

Localization using CSV

Apart from editing the dialogues from the Localization Window, you can also export the dialogues as CSV files and edit them using tools like Excel and then import them back into your project. This is really useful if you want to outsource the localization work.

To export the dialogues as a CSV, click on the Export All button.

TIP: Be sure to fill in the default text for all dialogues before you export so that you'll what dialogue you're editing from the CSV.

Each CSV file includes texts and audio from all the dialogue and choice nodes in a single scene. So you need to export a CSV file for each scene that includes a cutscene. The CSV format is shown below.

Exported data

You can edit both texts and audio filename from the CSV file. But keep in mind that, you should add your all audio clips to our Audios( Assets ► Non-Linear Dialogue & Cutscene System ► Resources ► Audios ) folder before importing the CSV. If you don't add it, we won't be able to update the audio when you import the CSV.

When you're done editing, you can click the Import All option to import the CSV into Unity.

Change Cutscene Language

You can use LanguageManager.ChangeLanguage() for changing your current cutscene language

Last updated